Jay Gordon....Gold Rings, Silver Bullets!

The Blues is not something one just picks up a guitar and starts to play. The Blues comes from deep down in your soul and unless you have lived the Blues, it's impossible to play with the necessary feeling. Jay Gordon can play the Blues because he has felt the Blues.
It was easy to see that Mr. Gordon has had the Blues a great deal since I last saw him and our conversation on the show yesterday confirmed that fact though we did not go into great detail.
Jay Gordon has greatly developed his burning style of electric Blues and added some new touches with some scary slide work thrown in to boot.
This is not a show for the traditional Blues traveler. This show features music from Jay's latest release, Gold Rings, Silver Bullets and is not for the faint-hearted. So be fore warned! This CD SCREAMS!
Listen in as BluePower takes you through the history of this fine electric Bluesman, from his early musical life in Chicago, his travels on the road and the ups and downs of life itself. Everyone has an incredible story to tell.
Many thanks to Mr. John Schayer, Mr. Gordon's bassman and friend for many years, for coming by BluePower to add sparkle to the conversation.
John Rhys/BluePower.com
Here's the music:
1)....Theme...."Hand Clappin"....Red Prysock
2)...."Fire And Brimstone Boogie"....Jay Gordon and The Penetrators
3)...."Pickin' On A Piece Of Wood"...Jay Gordon and The Penetrators
4)...."Pain"....Jay Gordon and The Penetrators
5)...."Driving Me Wild"....Jay Gordon and The Penetrators
6)...."Freight Train"....Jay Gordon and The Penetrators
Click here to play....Jay Gordon....Gold Rings, Silver Bullets!
Click here to purchase....Gold Rings, Silver Bullets!
Click here for more info on Jay Gordon!
All songs with the exception of our theme are from Gold Rings, Silver Bullets and BluePower has been granted permission to play this music for promotional purposes in perpituity.