Mike Lipe....Builder Of Fine Guitars!

In this instructive video, Mr. Lipe tells the Guitar Speak audience what it takes in time and temperament to put together an instrument that will work for a professional as well as an amateur guitar player.
Take the time to download this video and learn some very solid points regarding not only Mr. Lipe's instruments but your own as well.
Mike Lipe has built instruments for a few fairly well known guitarists such as: Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Brian May (Queen), Carlos Santana and is endorsed by Coco Montoya and Mark Karan. Oh....he also built a bass for Sting as well.
I think you'll enjoy this show and perhaps pick up a few pointers along the way.
This show is hosted by our very good friend, Mr. Tom Sullivan. A man who knows the ins and outs of the guitar world pretty well himself. Enjoy!
John Rhys/BluePower/Guitar Speak
PS....The sound on this show is a little hot. You might want to turn down the volume a bit. Also....this is a Quicktime movie, so let the download begin for a minute before you stream.
Click here to view....Mike Lipe....Builder Of Fine Guitars!
Click here to visit Mike Lipe's website!